Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Long over due TTC update.

I have no idea why I stopped updating this page.  It may be because I started to work A LOT more.  So much has happened that is relevant to trying to conceive and our family!

Ill try to relay all of the info that my memory will allow!  You can also check our my YouTube channel as its somewhat updated as well!

Last August I was on my 3rd round of Fermera and I also went to see a native American elder who told me to do a few things to help with fertility.   I did all of what was asked which included drinking this horrible tea every day!!!  I recall that month I had gotten a positive OPK really early on CD 9 or 10.  I think I ovulated around CD 11.   I made up my mind to not do any tests until 12 dpo.   On 11 dpo I had an appointment so after a 12 hour night shift I had a hard time staying awake.  I decided to test a day early.  I used the online HPT strips and I thought I saw an extremely faint line.  So faint I was seriously doubting if something was even there!  So i up and went and got a FRER! low and behold there was indeed a BFP!  Overjoyed can not even explain how that felt.  After so many months, shinanigans, meds, charting, tests, etc I FINALLY saw those precious 2 lines!

I told my husband that afternoon over lunch and he didn't believe it.  He thought the 2 lines weren't the same shade therefore its a negative (damn you OPKs for confusing the poor guy). 

Much has happened since, including several weeks early on where I had bleeding :( Multiple trips to the OB, ER, diagnostics.  My little bean has stuck through it all, even after giving me one final scare. 

Today I am 34 weeks pregnant, I did it, I beat infertility/PCOS!

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