Thursday 17 May 2012

Life this week, driving and TTC!

SUCH A BUSY putting things "lightly".  

I had my interview on Monday for a peds/OB nursing job and i have very mixed feeling on this.   I am HORRIBLE in interviews, i hate on the spot questioning and I hate feeling like I'm being judged.   I fall flat in these situations which SUCKS because i know I'm an excellent nurse with many skills.  I know that I give 100% on the job and even more so when Its a job i love.   I just need to get in there and show that.   I'm about 99% sure i did not get it.   They had received over 100 resumes and out of those they narrowed the choices to only 6.  Yes i was top 6 based on resume and cover letter alone however if on of those other 5 rocks the interview I'm basically left screwed :(  Hope and prayers that they see something in me they liked.  

I also had a telephone interview with a home-care nursing company which is looking to hire for 2 positions.   That went well {probably because i was in my pj's and able to jump around like a child} while i talked.  Now they want to set up a meeting and is going to be help next week sometime.   It does sound very promising.

AND now for the best news of all.  I FINALLY HAVE my drivers license!~ After so long - 10 years since Ive been "allowed to drive" then the past year of having only a beginners permit, i finally have it.   Its such a relief!!!!  It felt soooooo good to do so well, i have no idea why i was so scared of it.   I am still in shock over this YAY FOR ME!!!!!!

In my TTC journey I am on CD 17 {17th day of my cycle} and ovulation should be around the 18th.   I have run into a charting problem - my lovely almost 2 years old has stolen my basal thermometer :( Ive search hig and low, moved furniture, check all his hiding spots with no luck, there is only so many places to look.  He has done this before and i believe my last one went into the garbage {as well as a set of keys and several utensils from the kitchen}.  So, i have no temps for the past 3 days :(  still hoping to find it I have no way to determine ovulation.  I am still waiting for my ovulation and pregnancy strips to come in so that isnt even an option :(  DH is in for some good BDing {sex} this weekend!  Poor dh :)  So basically I am right at ovulations door, about to knock.  I am extremely fertile {2-3 days prior to O} and super excited for this part of the cycle :)   We have been stuggling with DHs outlook on the whole situation, and he is being kind of negative about it.  He is really tired the fact that we havent gotten pregnant yet, he seems to think that "it's never going to happen" and "we've tried and it hasnt happened so it wont happen this time".  He is starting to get on my nerves with all that negativity!!!!!! GOSH!! it doesnt happen over night and statistically most couple TTC for up to 6 months before having their first pregnancy!!  A little optimisum would be nice!!!!  **asskicking**

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