I have been extremely busy!
If I've been at home, Ive been car hunting. I can literally looks for hours [what a loser]. LOL! Other then this life has just been going with the flow. Over the weekend I went to visit my mom and for the first time made the 3 hour drive where i was actually the driver!!! Was easy! It was Dhs birthday Saturday so we celebrated with cake and presents :) I bought him some sexy tighy whiteys to which i fully expect a personal modelling session with :) :D hehe!
As for TTCing I am CD 28! and approx 9dpo [based on estimates since Kamden threw away my BBT]. I did an iffy hcg test today and I sware i see a line! I SWARE IT! i even posted it here - used the invert feature and i still see something!! Now it could be an evap line since the pic was 15-20 mins after the test but i cant help hoping!! ill be testing again tomorrow, everyone please pray i get a BFP!!!!! Also vote on what you think about my test. Keep in mind that the BLUE test is the pregnancy test and the others were my OPKs!
Vote here - the other voters are giving some mixed review however most are saying positive!!!
Ive began to post updates via twitter so those interested can add me here to be notified of a blog update.
I really have lead a boring life this week despite the crazed happenings!! I'm just so darn excited about this possible BFP!!! Will update tomorrow!
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Reviews: Internet Ovulation Tests/Strips
To kick off the week I have a new review! It kind of ties into my last review and controversy over "cheap" test strips. For the purposes of this review I am using:
Where to but Internet tests strip
These are Internet strips which can be bought with a credit card via the Early-Pregnancy-Test website. I chose this site in particular due to suggestions from other TTCers and it seems to be the most trusted and popular site to buy both pregnancy and ovulation tests.
The tests can be bought individual or in large numbers. Here is a grid for the pricing of the tests:
As you can see the more you buy, the cheaper they are - even as low as .55cents per test. Tests are no more then $1.10 per test. I had gotten a promotional pack which includes: 25 ovulation tests and 10 pregnancy tests for $24.95 - this deal can be found here.
Shipping is free on orders over $14.99 and $2.99 for orders otherwise.
What you receive
My package took about a week to get here. I am in Canada and this order is from a USA company. International orders take longer due to customs etc. When i received my package it was in a plain envelope with discrete labelling (the return address simple says "Online Store". The whole package looks something like this upon arrival (minus the fact i have opened mine):
Inside was the strips, an instruction sheet on both tests, brochures: on other fertility products, receipt/summary of order, and a special gift: a cute collectors tattoo {apparently they come out with a new one on a monthly basis}
This is what my results tell me.... My test line became darker and darker from CD 16-18 with CD 18 having the darkest line AND nearly being a positive. Real life [aka the weekend] took over me and i did not test on CD 19. When i went to test on CD 20 the line was light and almost gone. This tells me the LH surge is over, and I had ovulated. I believe i had a positive test later in the day on CD 18 [yes you CAN get a negative earlier and a positive later/ viseverssa] or on CD 19. Either way I ovulated thereafter.
Ovulation generally occurs 24-48 AFTER you get your positive OPK results. Saving tests is good for comparison.
Now that I have this information I can use it with my Fertility Chart:
**yes I'm slacking with my temping but Bubzer totally stole my BBT and I have a feeling it ended up in the garbage** but i usually O around CD 18. Hubby and I had sex on CD 16-19 so I'm hoping this might be it :) You can see my OPK results listed on the last line.
My final thoughts
I am a fan of theses tests. I would use them again and recommend them to a friend. They definitely have my as a future customer.
- east to use/read
- individual packaging
- variety packs offer great choices for ovulation/pregnancy test combos
- can save for comparison
- reliable
- free gift with purchase
- CHEAP pricing *like*like*like*
- free shipping on orders over $14.99
- i needed the tests prior to the day i got them - however i am international and should have ordered sooner
- no options for package tracking (and if you were a spaz like me you'd probably check every day!
- credit card needed for orders
- must test several times to get a clear picture - this is a con of ALL OPKs not just this sites
Where to but Internet tests strip
These are Internet strips which can be bought with a credit card via the Early-Pregnancy-Test website. I chose this site in particular due to suggestions from other TTCers and it seems to be the most trusted and popular site to buy both pregnancy and ovulation tests.
The tests can be bought individual or in large numbers. Here is a grid for the pricing of the tests:
1 - 9 tests | $1.10 each |
10 - 19 tests | $1.06 each |
20 - 49 tests | $0.90 each |
50 - 99 tests | $0.60 each |
100 - or more tests | $0.55 each |
As you can see the more you buy, the cheaper they are - even as low as .55cents per test. Tests are no more then $1.10 per test. I had gotten a promotional pack which includes: 25 ovulation tests and 10 pregnancy tests for $24.95 - this deal can be found here.
Shipping is free on orders over $14.99 and $2.99 for orders otherwise.
What you receive
My package took about a week to get here. I am in Canada and this order is from a USA company. International orders take longer due to customs etc. When i received my package it was in a plain envelope with discrete labelling (the return address simple says "Online Store". The whole package looks something like this upon arrival (minus the fact i have opened mine):
Inside was the strips, an instruction sheet on both tests, brochures: on other fertility products, receipt/summary of order, and a special gift: a cute collectors tattoo {apparently they come out with a new one on a monthly basis}
[sorry despite best efforts this pic wouldn't rotate]
[photo borrowed from the Early Pregnancy Tests Website]
Test Details
Each tests comes individually wrapped in foil with an expiration date clearly written on the package alone with the type of test {hcg or Lh}. The tests are very light weight and have a width of 5milimeters. The tests are 99.9% accurate in predicting an LH surge.
Using the test
When TTCing many women are aware of their cycle lengths. This can help determine when to starting testing for LH (the hormone used to determine imminent ovulation). For me i began on CD 16 however i would have started on the CD15 (i received my order on the CD 16).
The testing process was extremely easy:
1) Collect Urine in specimen cup (i used a clean dixie cup) - Collection is best between 10am-8pm. For multiple collection days, you should collect urine at same time each day. The test page says to reduce liquid intake 2 hours prior so the test is diluted. DO NOT collect first morning urine.
2) remove test from foil package and drop into urine but not past the MAX line, strip can be removed after 5 seconds and lay on flat surface
3) results can appear in as little as 40 seconds but a full 10 mins wait is recommended. There is a great video on the company's website showing this process here.
As in any Ovulation Test - a positive result is indicated when both control and test lines are of equal colour, OR when the test line is darker then the control line. A negative would include: no test line, faint test line, test line being lighter then the control line.
Here is 5 of my own test strips over a period of 4 days:
This is what my results tell me.... My test line became darker and darker from CD 16-18 with CD 18 having the darkest line AND nearly being a positive. Real life [aka the weekend] took over me and i did not test on CD 19. When i went to test on CD 20 the line was light and almost gone. This tells me the LH surge is over, and I had ovulated. I believe i had a positive test later in the day on CD 18 [yes you CAN get a negative earlier and a positive later/ viseverssa] or on CD 19. Either way I ovulated thereafter.
Ovulation generally occurs 24-48 AFTER you get your positive OPK results. Saving tests is good for comparison.
Now that I have this information I can use it with my Fertility Chart:
**yes I'm slacking with my temping but Bubzer totally stole my BBT and I have a feeling it ended up in the garbage** but i usually O around CD 18. Hubby and I had sex on CD 16-19 so I'm hoping this might be it :) You can see my OPK results listed on the last line.
My final thoughts
I am a fan of theses tests. I would use them again and recommend them to a friend. They definitely have my as a future customer.
- east to use/read
- individual packaging
- variety packs offer great choices for ovulation/pregnancy test combos
- can save for comparison
- reliable
- free gift with purchase
- CHEAP pricing *like*like*like*
- free shipping on orders over $14.99
- i needed the tests prior to the day i got them - however i am international and should have ordered sooner
- no options for package tracking (and if you were a spaz like me you'd probably check every day!
- credit card needed for orders
- must test several times to get a clear picture - this is a con of ALL OPKs not just this sites
** info taking through my experience using the Early-Pregnancy-Tests.com products via their website and info packages included with the product**
**personal experiences from my own views only and should be seen strictly as personal opinion. I can not speak for anyone else using these products**
Thursday, 17 May 2012
REVIEWS: Dollar store pregnancy tests
For today's review Id like to discuss Dollar Store Brand pregnancy tests.
For the purposes of this review I am using Dollar Tree Brand: Pro-Care Pregnancy Tests. They can be bought in Canada at the price of $1.25
About this test:
The box themselves reads that the test in Over 99% accurate with easy to read results. The test box itself looks something like this:
This test comes with 1- test, 1 - urine dropper, instructions on the back of the box. The directions tell you to set the test flat, drop 4 drops of urine ONLY to the small well on the test, results can be read as soon as the control line appears and should not be read past the 10 minute mark. EASY! Each test comes individually wrapped in foil and has an expiration date clearly labelled. The box also indicates that this test has an HCG sensitivity level of 20mIu. This test has a license from Health Canada, I had previously read that the tests did not have this prior. This test now does have the licence and is under a new name and sold in stores: dollarama which is now known as Dollar Tree.
Trying the test:
I have tried these tests and all have been negative, however i have not been pregnant so this would be accurate. When I had Kamden I took one with a friend because we just wanted to see what would happen and if it actually worked. It did work, mine was positive and hers was negative. The control line is very obvious and two pink lines would appear if the test was positive
Pros: individually wrapped, own dropper, small, great price, red die
Cons: must pee in a cup or other clean urine collection tool, stigma over price
My thoughts and assessments:
Those of us who are TTC go through a lot of supplies. We go through on average 3-4 pregnancy tests per month and 10+ ovulation tests per month {this is what i go through} and to be honest it doesn't matter if the test costs $10 or $30 - the results are the same. This goes for a test that is costing $1. Hardcore TTCers usually buy tests online at about 50 cents per test - what makes those tests any more special then the $30 Clear blue test from the store? Nothing IMO.... All tests are looking for the same thing and that's HCG levels. One important fact to look for in a pregnancy test is SENSITIVITY. For example my Dollar store test has sensitivity of 20mIU and most other tests (life brand, frer, etc) also have the same. WALMART brand tests have a level of 25mIU and therefore are not as sensitive as the dollar store test! In my opinion these tests are all on the same level. That being said there is only 1 other test which may be superior and we all know and trust - First Response Early Pregnancy Detection tests. They have a 15mIU detection and is perhaps the BEST tests however for general testing the Dollar Store tests are just as accurate. ALSO - i have learned in my TTC journey not to trust BLUE die tests, i did learn a few months ago that evaporation lines happen and it literally scared and disappointed me. IMO - get a red die test! Dollar Store Brand tests do use red dies. LASTLY - a line is a line, a faint line is still a line! Any coloured line should be interpreted as a positive result as long as it was in the allowed time frame [usually 10 mins].
When in doubt use a FRER! If you get a positive on the Pro-Care test I suggest testing with a FRER, but i would say this about ANY other test. As always theses tests should not take take the place of a professional medical opinion. Happy testing!
For the purposes of this review I am using Dollar Tree Brand: Pro-Care Pregnancy Tests. They can be bought in Canada at the price of $1.25
About this test:
The box themselves reads that the test in Over 99% accurate with easy to read results. The test box itself looks something like this:
This test comes with 1- test, 1 - urine dropper, instructions on the back of the box. The directions tell you to set the test flat, drop 4 drops of urine ONLY to the small well on the test, results can be read as soon as the control line appears and should not be read past the 10 minute mark. EASY! Each test comes individually wrapped in foil and has an expiration date clearly labelled. The box also indicates that this test has an HCG sensitivity level of 20mIu. This test has a license from Health Canada, I had previously read that the tests did not have this prior. This test now does have the licence and is under a new name and sold in stores: dollarama which is now known as Dollar Tree.
Trying the test:
I have tried these tests and all have been negative, however i have not been pregnant so this would be accurate. When I had Kamden I took one with a friend because we just wanted to see what would happen and if it actually worked. It did work, mine was positive and hers was negative. The control line is very obvious and two pink lines would appear if the test was positive
Pros: individually wrapped, own dropper, small, great price, red die
Cons: must pee in a cup or other clean urine collection tool, stigma over price
My thoughts and assessments:
Those of us who are TTC go through a lot of supplies. We go through on average 3-4 pregnancy tests per month and 10+ ovulation tests per month {this is what i go through} and to be honest it doesn't matter if the test costs $10 or $30 - the results are the same. This goes for a test that is costing $1. Hardcore TTCers usually buy tests online at about 50 cents per test - what makes those tests any more special then the $30 Clear blue test from the store? Nothing IMO.... All tests are looking for the same thing and that's HCG levels. One important fact to look for in a pregnancy test is SENSITIVITY. For example my Dollar store test has sensitivity of 20mIU and most other tests (life brand, frer, etc) also have the same. WALMART brand tests have a level of 25mIU and therefore are not as sensitive as the dollar store test! In my opinion these tests are all on the same level. That being said there is only 1 other test which may be superior and we all know and trust - First Response Early Pregnancy Detection tests. They have a 15mIU detection and is perhaps the BEST tests however for general testing the Dollar Store tests are just as accurate. ALSO - i have learned in my TTC journey not to trust BLUE die tests, i did learn a few months ago that evaporation lines happen and it literally scared and disappointed me. IMO - get a red die test! Dollar Store Brand tests do use red dies. LASTLY - a line is a line, a faint line is still a line! Any coloured line should be interpreted as a positive result as long as it was in the allowed time frame [usually 10 mins].
When in doubt use a FRER! If you get a positive on the Pro-Care test I suggest testing with a FRER, but i would say this about ANY other test. As always theses tests should not take take the place of a professional medical opinion. Happy testing!
Life this week, driving and TTC!
SUCH A BUSY WEEK...is putting things "lightly".
I had my interview on Monday for a peds/OB nursing job and i have very mixed feeling on this. I am HORRIBLE in interviews, i hate on the spot questioning and I hate feeling like I'm being judged. I fall flat in these situations which SUCKS because i know I'm an excellent nurse with many skills. I know that I give 100% on the job and even more so when Its a job i love. I just need to get in there and show that. I'm about 99% sure i did not get it. They had received over 100 resumes and out of those they narrowed the choices to only 6. Yes i was top 6 based on resume and cover letter alone however if on of those other 5 rocks the interview I'm basically left screwed :( Hope and prayers that they see something in me they liked.
I also had a telephone interview with a home-care nursing company which is looking to hire for 2 positions. That went well {probably because i was in my pj's and able to jump around like a child} while i talked. Now they want to set up a meeting and is going to be help next week sometime. It does sound very promising.
AND now for the best news of all. I FINALLY HAVE my drivers license!~ After so long - 10 years since Ive been "allowed to drive" then the past year of having only a beginners permit, i finally have it. Its such a relief!!!! It felt soooooo good to do so well, i have no idea why i was so scared of it. I am still in shock over this YAY FOR ME!!!!!!
In my TTC journey I am on CD 17 {17th day of my cycle} and ovulation should be around the 18th. I have run into a charting problem - my lovely almost 2 years old has stolen my basal thermometer :( Ive search hig and low, moved furniture, check all his hiding spots with no luck, there is only so many places to look. He has done this before and i believe my last one went into the garbage {as well as a set of keys and several utensils from the kitchen}. So, i have no temps for the past 3 days :( still hoping to find it I have no way to determine ovulation. I am still waiting for my ovulation and pregnancy strips to come in so that isnt even an option :( DH is in for some good BDing {sex} this weekend! Poor dh :) So basically I am right at ovulations door, about to knock. I am extremely fertile {2-3 days prior to O} and super excited for this part of the cycle :) We have been stuggling with DHs outlook on the whole situation, and he is being kind of negative about it. He is really tired the fact that we havent gotten pregnant yet, he seems to think that "it's never going to happen" and "we've tried and it hasnt happened so it wont happen this time". He is starting to get on my nerves with all that negativity!!!!!! GOSH!! it doesnt happen over night and statistically most couple TTC for up to 6 months before having their first pregnancy!! A little optimisum would be nice!!!! **asskicking**
I had my interview on Monday for a peds/OB nursing job and i have very mixed feeling on this. I am HORRIBLE in interviews, i hate on the spot questioning and I hate feeling like I'm being judged. I fall flat in these situations which SUCKS because i know I'm an excellent nurse with many skills. I know that I give 100% on the job and even more so when Its a job i love. I just need to get in there and show that. I'm about 99% sure i did not get it. They had received over 100 resumes and out of those they narrowed the choices to only 6. Yes i was top 6 based on resume and cover letter alone however if on of those other 5 rocks the interview I'm basically left screwed :( Hope and prayers that they see something in me they liked.
I also had a telephone interview with a home-care nursing company which is looking to hire for 2 positions. That went well {probably because i was in my pj's and able to jump around like a child} while i talked. Now they want to set up a meeting and is going to be help next week sometime. It does sound very promising.
AND now for the best news of all. I FINALLY HAVE my drivers license!~ After so long - 10 years since Ive been "allowed to drive" then the past year of having only a beginners permit, i finally have it. Its such a relief!!!! It felt soooooo good to do so well, i have no idea why i was so scared of it. I am still in shock over this YAY FOR ME!!!!!!
In my TTC journey I am on CD 17 {17th day of my cycle} and ovulation should be around the 18th. I have run into a charting problem - my lovely almost 2 years old has stolen my basal thermometer :( Ive search hig and low, moved furniture, check all his hiding spots with no luck, there is only so many places to look. He has done this before and i believe my last one went into the garbage {as well as a set of keys and several utensils from the kitchen}. So, i have no temps for the past 3 days :( still hoping to find it I have no way to determine ovulation. I am still waiting for my ovulation and pregnancy strips to come in so that isnt even an option :( DH is in for some good BDing {sex} this weekend! Poor dh :) So basically I am right at ovulations door, about to knock. I am extremely fertile {2-3 days prior to O} and super excited for this part of the cycle :) We have been stuggling with DHs outlook on the whole situation, and he is being kind of negative about it. He is really tired the fact that we havent gotten pregnant yet, he seems to think that "it's never going to happen" and "we've tried and it hasnt happened so it wont happen this time". He is starting to get on my nerves with all that negativity!!!!!! GOSH!! it doesnt happen over night and statistically most couple TTC for up to 6 months before having their first pregnancy!! A little optimisum would be nice!!!! **asskicking**
Sunday, 13 May 2012
Mother's Day 2012
I had a good mothers day :) Here's a quick little summary of the weekends events:
On Friday my mom came to visit. She was treated to a weekend stay at the Casino Rama Hotel in Rama, ON and we went to visit her there. She, her "man friend", dh and myself went and ate at the Noodle Bar (BEST Cantonese cuisine EVER) and then did a little gambling. My limit is/always is/always will be $20. I ended up walking out with $73 - making $53 extra dollar :) Not a jackpot but better then i went in with. The boys and I went home late.
Saturday we all met back up at the hotel, this time I had gotten a room as well. It was my baby sister and brothers birthday as well as mothers day so gifts were exchanged. Mom and I went shopping while everyone took an afternoon nap - spent HOURS waiting for that women to try on clothes (now I know how most DHs feel when shopping with women). In the evening we had cake and a big pizza dinner! Then the adults went to the cinema to catch a late show. We settled to bed late again, but the baby ended up waking up around 5am, the poor dear had a high fever. He got to sleep with mama the rest of the morning. The temperature has remained all day, he has had moments of feeling better but he looks so sad and sick :(
My sick bebes:
It was a busy but simple weekend I'd say. This week is going to be crazy, i have my big interview tomorrow!!!! Think ill play a little Warcraft before bed!! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!
p.s. Took an OPK - I am on CD 11 here is a pic, its really hard to see but I'm clearly NOT ovulating, this is a negative test. There are 2 lines, one is really really light pink. FYI: A positive test would should 2 lines equal in colour, or the test line would be darker! Hopefully my Internet OPKs will be in tomorrow!
On Friday my mom came to visit. She was treated to a weekend stay at the Casino Rama Hotel in Rama, ON and we went to visit her there. She, her "man friend", dh and myself went and ate at the Noodle Bar (BEST Cantonese cuisine EVER) and then did a little gambling. My limit is/always is/always will be $20. I ended up walking out with $73 - making $53 extra dollar :) Not a jackpot but better then i went in with. The boys and I went home late.
Saturday we all met back up at the hotel, this time I had gotten a room as well. It was my baby sister and brothers birthday as well as mothers day so gifts were exchanged. Mom and I went shopping while everyone took an afternoon nap - spent HOURS waiting for that women to try on clothes (now I know how most DHs feel when shopping with women). In the evening we had cake and a big pizza dinner! Then the adults went to the cinema to catch a late show. We settled to bed late again, but the baby ended up waking up around 5am, the poor dear had a high fever. He got to sleep with mama the rest of the morning. The temperature has remained all day, he has had moments of feeling better but he looks so sad and sick :(
My sick bebes:
It was a busy but simple weekend I'd say. This week is going to be crazy, i have my big interview tomorrow!!!! Think ill play a little Warcraft before bed!! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!
p.s. Took an OPK - I am on CD 11 here is a pic, its really hard to see but I'm clearly NOT ovulating, this is a negative test. There are 2 lines, one is really really light pink. FYI: A positive test would should 2 lines equal in colour, or the test line would be darker! Hopefully my Internet OPKs will be in tomorrow!
Friday, 11 May 2012
For my first Review Id like to discuss the:
The Brand: LIFE Brand - made for Shoppers Drug Mart - Canada. I choose this product because it was the only one on the shelf. I had a heck of a time finding a BBT thermometer to begin with. You can only get LIFE products at SDM, however I'm sure there are tons of other brands
The Product: The product is light weight, easy to read screen which displays the result in Celsius. It has a 1' inch screen displaying a double decimal number ie. 36.62C. The thermometer itself is pink {was the only colour available}. One easy button to turn on and off and holding the button will show its memory of the previous temp taken. The battery is easily accessible from the end of the thermometer with easy removal. It comes with a clear probe case as well as a booklet with charts for the buyer's use. Instruction manual included.
Background Info and Reading Your Data: BBT's is a tool used in fertility and family planning. It helps to determine ovulation and a temperature change is evident after ovulation has occurred. Although it doesn't tell you in advance when ovulation is imminent, it does however give you an overall picture on what your ovulation cycle says. When you take your temperature you do it every AM - at the same time each day and prior to doing ANYTHING else. This includes getting up, walking, moving, and even talking. You can even go back to sleep after if needed so pick an appropriate time and write down results right away! I learned that it can be hard to do this from memory since i lost a few temps doing that. I personally will enter the data on my cell phone! You may also use the products memory however this will only store one temp!
Here is my chart and temperatures using this product for the month of April:
The red cross lines show were i had ovulated on CD 18. All the temperatures after that were "above" the line and consistently higher. The charting/temping process is also useful in determination of imminent menses/period. When there is a significant DROP in temperature during the post ovulation phase, you will likely have your period in the next day or two. In the case of my chart i had a huge drop on May 1st and did get my cycle on May 2nd. The best days to conceive would have been the days before Cycle Day 18.
For comparison sakes here is my chart for Feb and is quite similar:
PRO's of this product:
double digit results
- protective case
- sample charts and blank charts for buyer's use
- effective in showing predicting ovulation and menstrual cycles
CON's of this product:
- slow result time - takes over a minute and that's hard to do early in the morning
- no prob covers included
- memory: only stores one reading. BE CAREFUL when obtaining a memory reading, it is easy to erase/lose the reading so only look at it if your ready to record it!
My thoughts on this product:
I was satisfied with this product. The only problem i had was losing readings from the memory. My toddler actually pressed the button on a few occasions {he is fascinated with the darn thing} and i lost data. Its easy to use, easy to read and overall fulfilled its purpose. I have only done 2 full cycles of temping but my ovulation days were close and were CD 17 in Feb and CD 18 in April. I will definitely continue to use this product! I would recommend this product and the art of chart/temping to anyone who is TTC!
~~~For more information on this thermometer or to buy - visit your local Shoppers Drug Mart Canada. Any personal questions may be directed to myself. For more information on Charting and Temping visit my personal favourite site Fertility Friend!~~
The Brand: LIFE Brand - made for Shoppers Drug Mart - Canada. I choose this product because it was the only one on the shelf. I had a heck of a time finding a BBT thermometer to begin with. You can only get LIFE products at SDM, however I'm sure there are tons of other brands
The Product: The product is light weight, easy to read screen which displays the result in Celsius. It has a 1' inch screen displaying a double decimal number ie. 36.62C. The thermometer itself is pink {was the only colour available}. One easy button to turn on and off and holding the button will show its memory of the previous temp taken. The battery is easily accessible from the end of the thermometer with easy removal. It comes with a clear probe case as well as a booklet with charts for the buyer's use. Instruction manual included.
Background Info and Reading Your Data: BBT's is a tool used in fertility and family planning. It helps to determine ovulation and a temperature change is evident after ovulation has occurred. Although it doesn't tell you in advance when ovulation is imminent, it does however give you an overall picture on what your ovulation cycle says. When you take your temperature you do it every AM - at the same time each day and prior to doing ANYTHING else. This includes getting up, walking, moving, and even talking. You can even go back to sleep after if needed so pick an appropriate time and write down results right away! I learned that it can be hard to do this from memory since i lost a few temps doing that. I personally will enter the data on my cell phone! You may also use the products memory however this will only store one temp!
Here is my chart and temperatures using this product for the month of April:
For comparison sakes here is my chart for Feb and is quite similar:
PRO's of this product:
double digit results
- protective case
- sample charts and blank charts for buyer's use
- effective in showing predicting ovulation and menstrual cycles
CON's of this product:
- slow result time - takes over a minute and that's hard to do early in the morning
- no prob covers included
- memory: only stores one reading. BE CAREFUL when obtaining a memory reading, it is easy to erase/lose the reading so only look at it if your ready to record it!
My thoughts on this product:
I was satisfied with this product. The only problem i had was losing readings from the memory. My toddler actually pressed the button on a few occasions {he is fascinated with the darn thing} and i lost data. Its easy to use, easy to read and overall fulfilled its purpose. I have only done 2 full cycles of temping but my ovulation days were close and were CD 17 in Feb and CD 18 in April. I will definitely continue to use this product! I would recommend this product and the art of chart/temping to anyone who is TTC!
~~~For more information on this thermometer or to buy - visit your local Shoppers Drug Mart Canada. Any personal questions may be directed to myself. For more information on Charting and Temping visit my personal favourite site Fertility Friend!~~
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Now that i have the formality of introduction completed, I can be real ;)
I have two life issues I'd like to discuss and/or rant about.
1) Un-emplyment
2) TTC (trying to conceive)
Unrelated topics and somehow tie into my life together.
As previous blogs have said, I am currently out of work. I was just working as a Clinic Nurse in the intercity of Etobicoke, Ontario. It was a busy 7 MD clinic and was actually a really great job. In moving i effectively ended my employment with :( So here I am, educated, graduated, and looking for a job. Its been about 4 weeks and here I am still job less. WHY IS IT SO HARD to get a job? Even getting an interview is hard :/ My resume and cover are immaculate - Ive had both reviewed by an employment councillor. The town I'm living in has a very limited job listings as it is but i am still having no luck!!!!!!! I have looked in every nook and cranny of the interwebs to no avail. Here is the 411 on myself
- I graduated in 2009 from a reputable college in Ontario, Canada
- Ive worked mostly in Long Term Care and Doctors offices
- I am a member of the College of Nurses
- I am a member of the RPNAO
- Excellent references
- Working as a nurse since 2009
- EXPERT at venipucture and any type of injections!
- extensive resume which outline my skills
Something, somewhere must scream out not to hire me or give me an interview!
I have my first and only interview this Monday - its for paediatric and OB nurse at a local hospital. Truth be told this is best case scenario! If i could pick any area of nursing to do, THIS would be it! PROBLEM: i have no experience in these areas no do i have extended education in these areas. However I am more then willing to obtain this!! Those areas are WHY i went into nursing to begin with!! I want it more then I can even put into words. I don't know how to dazzle the interviewer when i have no experience!! I will be hoping and praying my heart away until then!!! Look for updates.
Secondly, TTCing
I know being unemployed isn't a good time to be TTC however this was started prior to quitting my job. Dh and I have been actively TTCing since January of this year. We are in cycle 5 with no pregnancy at all. Ive charted my BBT temps, check cervical position, checked cervical mucus, used OPK and basically stood on my head after sex (BDing). This is what I have learned about myself in the process:
- I ovulate on Day 17/18 of my cycle
- My shortest cycle was 28 days
- My longest cycle was 36 days
- cervical mucus all looks the same
- OPKs confuse me
- i love fertility friend
Ive tried being a hardcore charter, Ive tried letting it all go and doing nothing but BDing. Nothing. This cycle Ive bought test both pregnancy and OPKs - I'm going to try my hand at multi OPKing and see what happens. Ive seen so many fellow TTCers get their positives, Ive seen multiple friends get positives. Even my sister got another BFP and she started TTC after me!! IT HAS TO BE MY TURN!!!! COME ON!!!! Is there a trick to this whole getting pregnant thing??? My prior pregnancies were unexpected so Ive never experienced this before.
Today I am on Cycle Day 9. I cant wait to get my tests, Ive never ordered online but it seems to be quite popular.
So for those who are TTCing, any suggestions??
Here are some of my favourite TTC links
Babyzone - the BEST support Ive had for pregnancy, ttc and baby
Fertility Friend - Ovulation Tracking, temping
Count Down To Pregnancy - another tracking tools
I have two life issues I'd like to discuss and/or rant about.
1) Un-emplyment
2) TTC (trying to conceive)
Unrelated topics and somehow tie into my life together.
As previous blogs have said, I am currently out of work. I was just working as a Clinic Nurse in the intercity of Etobicoke, Ontario. It was a busy 7 MD clinic and was actually a really great job. In moving i effectively ended my employment with :( So here I am, educated, graduated, and looking for a job. Its been about 4 weeks and here I am still job less. WHY IS IT SO HARD to get a job? Even getting an interview is hard :/ My resume and cover are immaculate - Ive had both reviewed by an employment councillor. The town I'm living in has a very limited job listings as it is but i am still having no luck!!!!!!! I have looked in every nook and cranny of the interwebs to no avail. Here is the 411 on myself
- I graduated in 2009 from a reputable college in Ontario, Canada
- Ive worked mostly in Long Term Care and Doctors offices
- I am a member of the College of Nurses
- I am a member of the RPNAO
- Excellent references
- Working as a nurse since 2009
- EXPERT at venipucture and any type of injections!
- extensive resume which outline my skills
Something, somewhere must scream out not to hire me or give me an interview!
I have my first and only interview this Monday - its for paediatric and OB nurse at a local hospital. Truth be told this is best case scenario! If i could pick any area of nursing to do, THIS would be it! PROBLEM: i have no experience in these areas no do i have extended education in these areas. However I am more then willing to obtain this!! Those areas are WHY i went into nursing to begin with!! I want it more then I can even put into words. I don't know how to dazzle the interviewer when i have no experience!! I will be hoping and praying my heart away until then!!! Look for updates.
Secondly, TTCing
I know being unemployed isn't a good time to be TTC however this was started prior to quitting my job. Dh and I have been actively TTCing since January of this year. We are in cycle 5 with no pregnancy at all. Ive charted my BBT temps, check cervical position, checked cervical mucus, used OPK and basically stood on my head after sex (BDing). This is what I have learned about myself in the process:
- I ovulate on Day 17/18 of my cycle
- My shortest cycle was 28 days
- My longest cycle was 36 days
- cervical mucus all looks the same
- OPKs confuse me
- i love fertility friend
Ive tried being a hardcore charter, Ive tried letting it all go and doing nothing but BDing. Nothing. This cycle Ive bought test both pregnancy and OPKs - I'm going to try my hand at multi OPKing and see what happens. Ive seen so many fellow TTCers get their positives, Ive seen multiple friends get positives. Even my sister got another BFP and she started TTC after me!! IT HAS TO BE MY TURN!!!! COME ON!!!! Is there a trick to this whole getting pregnant thing??? My prior pregnancies were unexpected so Ive never experienced this before.
Today I am on Cycle Day 9. I cant wait to get my tests, Ive never ordered online but it seems to be quite popular.
So for those who are TTCing, any suggestions??
Here are some of my favourite TTC links
Babyzone - the BEST support Ive had for pregnancy, ttc and baby
Fertility Friend - Ovulation Tracking, temping
Count Down To Pregnancy - another tracking tools
Being a mom... part 2
Ive had many years of practise as a mom, a lot of ups and downs, a lot of learning. I had gotten my life together and on track multiple times. I went to school here, there and everywhere, moved, moved back, and had taken my eldest child with me. Then finally!!! We moved back to our hometown after years of nursing school, I was awaiting my registration with the College of Nurses. Working, having a summer of fun while Brendan was visiting his dad for the summer. I distinctly remember the night I met my bf. It was a May night and my friends wanted to go out on a celebratory evening. We went out dancing and that's where i first met him. I told my friend she should talk to him cause he was "cute", she wasn't interested. He ended up approaching me, we talked, our friendship blossomed from there. Over the next few months we went from friend, to a relationship, to a break up, to jealous making up. He would appear when i was almost constantly and made it very hard for me to have fun. And at the end of the day he did all he could to be in my life. We did continue to hang out on a regular basis and it was fine. TBH it was mostly sexual and friendship-like. We could talk, have fun and hang with each others crowds. One thing that kept our friendship from being a relationship was distrust. He lied a lot which caused the early crash and burn of our initial relationship. He lied about everything down to his age. I was able to forgive but i wasn't settling for a liar.
The day I found out was pregnant was a Friday - I was packing for a weekend away with my girlfriends. I was expecting my period that day or the next. I thought id take a test, just in case since this weekend would include drinking. I had done this before as precaution but always had BFNs. I took the test, set it down on the bathroom counter the results were negative. I continued on with packing, my father was dropping my son off from school at any minute. When they arrived i immediately though "OH shit that test is laying out, i better hide it" so i went to get it from the bathroom. TO my shock there were TWO RED lines! POSITIVE!
Inside i was freaking out but i had to maintain my composure in the presence of my dad. After he left Brendan and I went straight to the pharmacy to get a FRER. I took it...positive.... I had very mixed feelings on this, on one hand i though "OMG I'M PREGNANT {with freak outs}" and on the other hand i was actually EXCITED! I told one friend right away since i had to cancel our weekend, told my mom who was ELATED by the news, told my older sister. Needless to say it was hard to keep to myself. The baby's dad was surprised and wanted his family to raise the baby {HELL NO} but warmed to the idea. Lastly i told my dad, mostly due to fear. My entire pregnancy was busy, i was working full time hours as a nurse, buying everything i could.. and NEW. That's something i never got to do when i had my first son. We moved into a new home, a very beautiful new 3 bedroom, i had a perfect little boys nursery. The relationship with baby's dad didn't last long. After learning i was pregnant i tried with his dad but it was clear i couldn't get past the lies - most recently a lie including another women. NO WAY in hell was i going to live with that. End of that story. He did buy stuff for the baby, he gave money, he even paid for his medical circumcision expenses (which was $700). All was good until November of that year. That was the last time we seen him, we would talk on the phone but he was really pushing a relationship. I stuck my ground and said no, but welcomed him to see his child anytime he wanted. The last time we heard from him was January of 2011. He stopped calling, changed his number and that was that. In a way I'm glad it happened while the baby has no memory of him and when it comes down to it, its his LOSS. His child id gorgeous and amazing. He is smart and looks a lot like him. Again his LOSS.
Anyways back to the story of my baby... It was a long awaited pregnancy. I worked right up to the end, life was actually really good! Here was me at 39 weeks pregnancy:
One night I was sleeping, had gotten up to pee several times, Brendan was at a friends for the night. In early morning I felt a hard kick! It woke me but didn't alarm me so i stayed put. Within a minute i felt water! OMG that's wasn't a kick! i did a hop, skip and a jump to the bathroom. I sat there as the water continued to flow out, all i could do was sit there half panicking. I sat and sat, waited for something, a pain....anything..... well i got nothing. I finally got up, put on new undies, put the old ones in a Ziploc to take to the hospital. I went downstairs and the walking induced another flow of water. Did another hop, skip and jump to the downstairs washroom and had another sit down as i called my mom. I told her what had happened and that i wasn't in pain. Told her id call her soon. Did another clean up and went on FB... GOOOD OL FB! My sister was up early (well with 5 kids she tends to be) so i told her about it all, i posted on my babyzone.com Due Date Club forum and the advise was to go get checked. Some said maybe i just peed myself (hence why i kept the undies for later testing). That day happened to be Brendan's first soccer game of the season. Oh how i didn't want to miss that!!! I loaded up with some super absorbent ma tress pads and went to the game. Sat on the ground even! My dad was there too but i didn't want to tell him what happened. I KNEW he'd make me leave. I told him once the game was over, and we went to the hospital. I told him ill call him later as i might be there for a while.
The hospital did check me and baby out, i told them i wasn't due for a while yet. They confirmed it was my water that had broken. There was NO SIGNS of labour otherwise. They gave me an option to stay and be admitted or too go home with conditions. I picked go home, i wasn't ready since it wasn't even my due date yet. They said i have 24 hours and if no labour i have no choice but to come in for induction. So i went home, had an amazing last dinner of PIZZA mmmmmm. Got stuff together for my hospital stay. My mom had arrived, i cant even count the time she asked me if i was feeling anything yet. I wasn't. We stayed up all night talking, my cousin came to join the party. I got a few hours of sleep {regretfully knowing i shouldn't have stayed up so late}. We went in about 8am the next day. I hadn't felt a single contraction or pain, only the occasional water leakage. The morning went slow and was filled with assessment, paper work etc. They started fluid and pitocin. Few more hours passed and NOT A SINGLE PAIN. It took hours to get it going, i eventually started feeling slight back discomfort around 230pm. My labour was silent and they couldn't believe how well i was taking it. I kept saying i had to pee but really i didn't. I just wanted to sit alone {the induction nurse was there constantly to monitor so i felt crowded}, it was a production to unhook me from everything but i insisted. When they offered and EPI i said YES PLEASE. Remembering Brendan's birth, i knew i wanted it. Once i got the EPI, it was hours of trying to balance it, i was feeling pain at times but eventually they got it sorted out and I was comfortable. I slept, my mom and cousin went to eat, etc. We got to a point where they though it was almost pushing time. Well they were right cause i felt his head and felt him moving down. Shame on me, i didn't inform the nurse. I was scared of the pushing stage. I was busted cause she wanted to do an "exam" to see where we were at. She had a look of panic and said DO NOT PUSH and WE NEED A DOCTOR, ANY DOCTOR. My OBs husband was in the hospital so he attended. I tried to push but I was in no pain and very aware of my surroundings. Turns out I'm a terrible pusher and my OB had time to arrive. I remember at one point i was pushing and all eyes were one me. I burst out laughing..... it was WEIRD having people staring at me, i couldn't help myself. Around 9pm i finally had him, weighing in at 7lbs 11oz, he was amazing! He had giant eyes which were looking all over the place in wonder!
He was finally here!!! Big brother Brendan came to meet his brother the following day:
And here the trouble maker is today! Oh and he has a nickname to which he is still called: BUBSZER
Bubszer is half native American and half African {Kenyan} - such a cutie!
Ive had many years of practise as a mom, a lot of ups and downs, a lot of learning. I had gotten my life together and on track multiple times. I went to school here, there and everywhere, moved, moved back, and had taken my eldest child with me. Then finally!!! We moved back to our hometown after years of nursing school, I was awaiting my registration with the College of Nurses. Working, having a summer of fun while Brendan was visiting his dad for the summer. I distinctly remember the night I met my bf. It was a May night and my friends wanted to go out on a celebratory evening. We went out dancing and that's where i first met him. I told my friend she should talk to him cause he was "cute", she wasn't interested. He ended up approaching me, we talked, our friendship blossomed from there. Over the next few months we went from friend, to a relationship, to a break up, to jealous making up. He would appear when i was almost constantly and made it very hard for me to have fun. And at the end of the day he did all he could to be in my life. We did continue to hang out on a regular basis and it was fine. TBH it was mostly sexual and friendship-like. We could talk, have fun and hang with each others crowds. One thing that kept our friendship from being a relationship was distrust. He lied a lot which caused the early crash and burn of our initial relationship. He lied about everything down to his age. I was able to forgive but i wasn't settling for a liar.
The day I found out was pregnant was a Friday - I was packing for a weekend away with my girlfriends. I was expecting my period that day or the next. I thought id take a test, just in case since this weekend would include drinking. I had done this before as precaution but always had BFNs. I took the test, set it down on the bathroom counter the results were negative. I continued on with packing, my father was dropping my son off from school at any minute. When they arrived i immediately though "OH shit that test is laying out, i better hide it" so i went to get it from the bathroom. TO my shock there were TWO RED lines! POSITIVE!
Inside i was freaking out but i had to maintain my composure in the presence of my dad. After he left Brendan and I went straight to the pharmacy to get a FRER. I took it...positive.... I had very mixed feelings on this, on one hand i though "OMG I'M PREGNANT {with freak outs}" and on the other hand i was actually EXCITED! I told one friend right away since i had to cancel our weekend, told my mom who was ELATED by the news, told my older sister. Needless to say it was hard to keep to myself. The baby's dad was surprised and wanted his family to raise the baby {HELL NO} but warmed to the idea. Lastly i told my dad, mostly due to fear. My entire pregnancy was busy, i was working full time hours as a nurse, buying everything i could.. and NEW. That's something i never got to do when i had my first son. We moved into a new home, a very beautiful new 3 bedroom, i had a perfect little boys nursery. The relationship with baby's dad didn't last long. After learning i was pregnant i tried with his dad but it was clear i couldn't get past the lies - most recently a lie including another women. NO WAY in hell was i going to live with that. End of that story. He did buy stuff for the baby, he gave money, he even paid for his medical circumcision expenses (which was $700). All was good until November of that year. That was the last time we seen him, we would talk on the phone but he was really pushing a relationship. I stuck my ground and said no, but welcomed him to see his child anytime he wanted. The last time we heard from him was January of 2011. He stopped calling, changed his number and that was that. In a way I'm glad it happened while the baby has no memory of him and when it comes down to it, its his LOSS. His child id gorgeous and amazing. He is smart and looks a lot like him. Again his LOSS.
Anyways back to the story of my baby... It was a long awaited pregnancy. I worked right up to the end, life was actually really good! Here was me at 39 weeks pregnancy:
One night I was sleeping, had gotten up to pee several times, Brendan was at a friends for the night. In early morning I felt a hard kick! It woke me but didn't alarm me so i stayed put. Within a minute i felt water! OMG that's wasn't a kick! i did a hop, skip and a jump to the bathroom. I sat there as the water continued to flow out, all i could do was sit there half panicking. I sat and sat, waited for something, a pain....anything..... well i got nothing. I finally got up, put on new undies, put the old ones in a Ziploc to take to the hospital. I went downstairs and the walking induced another flow of water. Did another hop, skip and jump to the downstairs washroom and had another sit down as i called my mom. I told her what had happened and that i wasn't in pain. Told her id call her soon. Did another clean up and went on FB... GOOOD OL FB! My sister was up early (well with 5 kids she tends to be) so i told her about it all, i posted on my babyzone.com Due Date Club forum and the advise was to go get checked. Some said maybe i just peed myself (hence why i kept the undies for later testing). That day happened to be Brendan's first soccer game of the season. Oh how i didn't want to miss that!!! I loaded up with some super absorbent ma tress pads and went to the game. Sat on the ground even! My dad was there too but i didn't want to tell him what happened. I KNEW he'd make me leave. I told him once the game was over, and we went to the hospital. I told him ill call him later as i might be there for a while.
The hospital did check me and baby out, i told them i wasn't due for a while yet. They confirmed it was my water that had broken. There was NO SIGNS of labour otherwise. They gave me an option to stay and be admitted or too go home with conditions. I picked go home, i wasn't ready since it wasn't even my due date yet. They said i have 24 hours and if no labour i have no choice but to come in for induction. So i went home, had an amazing last dinner of PIZZA mmmmmm. Got stuff together for my hospital stay. My mom had arrived, i cant even count the time she asked me if i was feeling anything yet. I wasn't. We stayed up all night talking, my cousin came to join the party. I got a few hours of sleep {regretfully knowing i shouldn't have stayed up so late}. We went in about 8am the next day. I hadn't felt a single contraction or pain, only the occasional water leakage. The morning went slow and was filled with assessment, paper work etc. They started fluid and pitocin. Few more hours passed and NOT A SINGLE PAIN. It took hours to get it going, i eventually started feeling slight back discomfort around 230pm. My labour was silent and they couldn't believe how well i was taking it. I kept saying i had to pee but really i didn't. I just wanted to sit alone {the induction nurse was there constantly to monitor so i felt crowded}, it was a production to unhook me from everything but i insisted. When they offered and EPI i said YES PLEASE. Remembering Brendan's birth, i knew i wanted it. Once i got the EPI, it was hours of trying to balance it, i was feeling pain at times but eventually they got it sorted out and I was comfortable. I slept, my mom and cousin went to eat, etc. We got to a point where they though it was almost pushing time. Well they were right cause i felt his head and felt him moving down. Shame on me, i didn't inform the nurse. I was scared of the pushing stage. I was busted cause she wanted to do an "exam" to see where we were at. She had a look of panic and said DO NOT PUSH and WE NEED A DOCTOR, ANY DOCTOR. My OBs husband was in the hospital so he attended. I tried to push but I was in no pain and very aware of my surroundings. Turns out I'm a terrible pusher and my OB had time to arrive. I remember at one point i was pushing and all eyes were one me. I burst out laughing..... it was WEIRD having people staring at me, i couldn't help myself. Around 9pm i finally had him, weighing in at 7lbs 11oz, he was amazing! He had giant eyes which were looking all over the place in wonder!
He was finally here!!! Big brother Brendan came to meet his brother the following day:
And here the trouble maker is today! Oh and he has a nickname to which he is still called: BUBSZER
Bubszer is half native American and half African {Kenyan} - such a cutie!
Being a mom..part 1
"Being a young mom means we met a little early, but I get to love you a little longer. Some people said my life ended when I had a baby, but my life had just begun. You didn't take away from my future you gave me a new one."
Some may have seen this posted on FB, twitter or else where but it is indeed true for me. Your supposed to also post the age you became a mom. For me I was 16.
Let me paint you a picture: 15 years old, intelligent {in high school course for the academically inclined}, member of the students council spirit squad, avid participant in school events, slightly rebellious, dark haired, tanned, lovely in many respects and a dancer. Sure I didn't always do what my parents told me but over all i was a GOOD kid. Seriously most parents dream of having a child like this. My mom however didn't agree {i bet she's thinking this now that she has a teenager growing up in the 2010's} she tried to put so many restrictions on me - and as a result I didn't tell her stuff, she kinda ruined the bond needed in a teen aged females life. I can literally count on one hand how many "bad" parties i went to as a teen, however i cant count how many good positive experiences i had (ie. volunteer work, academic related activities, sports etc). She should have just let me live a little!!!! It would probably prevented my having a baby at such a young age. I would never EVER regret having my son however I did miss out on being a kid. I didn't go to prom, dropped my extra curricular activities but it a larger sense I prepared for the birth of my son.
I was 15 - his father was 19. He was NOT the one i lost my virginity too. We were in a relationship. He was older and therefor cooler then I was {or so my teen brain though}. Condoms were used but failed. I missed 2 periods and didn't notice. Then i kinda joked about being pregnant but i didn't actually believe it!!! One night i was feeling mildly nauseous and my mom said "What... are you pregnant?" She was also kidding. I don't really remember but i think i said something like... "I don't know". Well she raced to the pharmacy and got a test. She left as i took it. I sat on the stairs and waited for her to get home. The test instantly showed no doubt about it results. It was a shock! A SHOCK! my mom says she wasn't shocked however my dad sure was. In the coming months i still went to school, still took phys-ed till i couldn't run anymore. I broke up with his dad just before i found out i was pregnant and we did not get back together with him despite his efforts. I did however talk to him and hang out with him, i allowed him to be part of this baby. I saved all my money and bought mostly second hand clothes and other baby needs. When it came time I did have everything i needed for him, i took the classes, i had a plan..sort of....
I still remember his birth almost 10 years ago! I normally watched my sister and brother while my mom worked nights. On this particular night she was prepping to leave, it was around 11pm, I had some back discomfort but thought it to be normal back pain related to pregnancy. I tried to lay down but the discomfort persisted. I scoured the net for labour symptoms and talked to baby's dad on the phone. I started to realize that maybe this was labour. Around 2-3am the pain was getting intense and i had started writing the times down. I didn't want to call my mom, i thought she would be mad at me for disturbing her at work for false labour. She must have heard my thoughts cause she called {she didn't normally check in} and i told her i "think" it might be something. She insisted on coming home anyways, i was relieved. By the time my mom had a sitter for the kids and we had my stuff loaded into the car the pain was becoming intense. After intake and assessment it was determined i was 4cm dilated. The next few hours are a blur, i wanted a non-drug birth so i was in a lot of pain, the nurse made me walk, i began wanting pain meds but it was too late for an epi and all they could offer was a little morphine {it did not a damn thing}. I was sitting in the bathroom when the nurses deemed me ready to push. I pushed.... seemed like hours but he was eventually born on the morning of August 13, 2002, 2 days after my due date. He was perfect at 8lbs 3oz and came out screaming! Back then we didn't have digi cameras and all the photos i have aren't on the computer. Brendan was nameless for almost 2 weeks! One thing i had hard time with was picking a name for him. He was in the hospital for almost 2 weeks with sever jaundice. He spent the first week in an incubator :( i didn't even hold him much. I would sit in the NICU and look at him, i was allowed to put my hand in to touch him.
Here's an olden day web cam pic of him approx 1-2wks old:
Him when he was a toddler
And finally here is is today at the ripe old age of 9.8
They really truly grow up fast. Ive learned a lot through having him so early and wouldn't change a thing. His looks like his dad, he loves lego and can be very troublesome as his aged suggests. His dad isn't a big part of his life and they see each a few times a year. His dad doesn't make an effort to call and when he does visit i have to take him and pick him up. He does see his grandparent on his dads side and they adore him but the visits are few. His dad doesn't help much and there is court ordered child support however i rarely receive it. Some would say...at least he sees/knows his dad at all... at the same time it can be very unfair to Brendan. Brendan is very close to my dad and "papa" is the biggest male influence he has had in his life. Overall id say he is a happy child none the less. One other notable quality is that he has some pretty severe learning disabilities, you'd never know by talking/looking at him. He is dyslexic and has trouble with reading and writing at his own grade level. We work hard on this. I can hardly believe that this year i will have a 10 year old! My baby will be a whole decade old!! Such a milestone!!!!
Some may have seen this posted on FB, twitter or else where but it is indeed true for me. Your supposed to also post the age you became a mom. For me I was 16.
Let me paint you a picture: 15 years old, intelligent {in high school course for the academically inclined}, member of the students council spirit squad, avid participant in school events, slightly rebellious, dark haired, tanned, lovely in many respects and a dancer. Sure I didn't always do what my parents told me but over all i was a GOOD kid. Seriously most parents dream of having a child like this. My mom however didn't agree {i bet she's thinking this now that she has a teenager growing up in the 2010's} she tried to put so many restrictions on me - and as a result I didn't tell her stuff, she kinda ruined the bond needed in a teen aged females life. I can literally count on one hand how many "bad" parties i went to as a teen, however i cant count how many good positive experiences i had (ie. volunteer work, academic related activities, sports etc). She should have just let me live a little!!!! It would probably prevented my having a baby at such a young age. I would never EVER regret having my son however I did miss out on being a kid. I didn't go to prom, dropped my extra curricular activities but it a larger sense I prepared for the birth of my son.
I was 15 - his father was 19. He was NOT the one i lost my virginity too. We were in a relationship. He was older and therefor cooler then I was {or so my teen brain though}. Condoms were used but failed. I missed 2 periods and didn't notice. Then i kinda joked about being pregnant but i didn't actually believe it!!! One night i was feeling mildly nauseous and my mom said "What... are you pregnant?" She was also kidding. I don't really remember but i think i said something like... "I don't know". Well she raced to the pharmacy and got a test. She left as i took it. I sat on the stairs and waited for her to get home. The test instantly showed no doubt about it results. It was a shock! A SHOCK! my mom says she wasn't shocked however my dad sure was. In the coming months i still went to school, still took phys-ed till i couldn't run anymore. I broke up with his dad just before i found out i was pregnant and we did not get back together with him despite his efforts. I did however talk to him and hang out with him, i allowed him to be part of this baby. I saved all my money and bought mostly second hand clothes and other baby needs. When it came time I did have everything i needed for him, i took the classes, i had a plan..sort of....
I still remember his birth almost 10 years ago! I normally watched my sister and brother while my mom worked nights. On this particular night she was prepping to leave, it was around 11pm, I had some back discomfort but thought it to be normal back pain related to pregnancy. I tried to lay down but the discomfort persisted. I scoured the net for labour symptoms and talked to baby's dad on the phone. I started to realize that maybe this was labour. Around 2-3am the pain was getting intense and i had started writing the times down. I didn't want to call my mom, i thought she would be mad at me for disturbing her at work for false labour. She must have heard my thoughts cause she called {she didn't normally check in} and i told her i "think" it might be something. She insisted on coming home anyways, i was relieved. By the time my mom had a sitter for the kids and we had my stuff loaded into the car the pain was becoming intense. After intake and assessment it was determined i was 4cm dilated. The next few hours are a blur, i wanted a non-drug birth so i was in a lot of pain, the nurse made me walk, i began wanting pain meds but it was too late for an epi and all they could offer was a little morphine {it did not a damn thing}. I was sitting in the bathroom when the nurses deemed me ready to push. I pushed.... seemed like hours but he was eventually born on the morning of August 13, 2002, 2 days after my due date. He was perfect at 8lbs 3oz and came out screaming! Back then we didn't have digi cameras and all the photos i have aren't on the computer. Brendan was nameless for almost 2 weeks! One thing i had hard time with was picking a name for him. He was in the hospital for almost 2 weeks with sever jaundice. He spent the first week in an incubator :( i didn't even hold him much. I would sit in the NICU and look at him, i was allowed to put my hand in to touch him.
Here's an olden day web cam pic of him approx 1-2wks old:
Him when he was a toddler
And finally here is is today at the ripe old age of 9.8
They really truly grow up fast. Ive learned a lot through having him so early and wouldn't change a thing. His looks like his dad, he loves lego and can be very troublesome as his aged suggests. His dad isn't a big part of his life and they see each a few times a year. His dad doesn't make an effort to call and when he does visit i have to take him and pick him up. He does see his grandparent on his dads side and they adore him but the visits are few. His dad doesn't help much and there is court ordered child support however i rarely receive it. Some would say...at least he sees/knows his dad at all... at the same time it can be very unfair to Brendan. Brendan is very close to my dad and "papa" is the biggest male influence he has had in his life. Overall id say he is a happy child none the less. One other notable quality is that he has some pretty severe learning disabilities, you'd never know by talking/looking at him. He is dyslexic and has trouble with reading and writing at his own grade level. We work hard on this. I can hardly believe that this year i will have a 10 year old! My baby will be a whole decade old!! Such a milestone!!!!
Everyone needs a good INTRO!
Welcome to my first blog post! I have been an avid blogger for many years and have decided to start a new blog here!
A little about me..
I'm 26 years old, mother of two boys, have a wonderful dh, social media lover, registered practical nurse since 2009, Canadian born and raised, slightly rezed, TTC obsessed, videogame-a-holic, with a crazy and interesting past. At this point in my life I feel I am almost at the top of my game! I've worked hard to get a good a life for me and all my boys! I began blogging in 2005/2006 and in reflection I must say I have been very un-censored, honest and somewhat crazy in my ways. A part of me was going to continue my old blog but to me it represents a totally different part of my life, one in which is over and a new chapter began. My old blog remains {here} but should you read it please keep in mind that I was indeed insane {just kidding!} but it is very forthcoming. When i look back and read it, I barely recognize myself and its almost as if I can't remember actually experiencing those experiences! None the less its a part of me; one that i will never regret and can make some interesting reading!
My family..
I come from a mixed family. Both parents re-married/new relationships: my dads still with his common-law partner of 20+ years and my step mom had 2 kids from a previous marriage and she and my dad had one together. My mom is currently single and has two children from other relationships. So that makes 1 step sister (27yrs), 1 step bro (25yrs), 2 sisters (12 yrs and 18yrs) and 1 bro (16 yrs). Our family map would look something like this:
My oldest sister (step) is the only other one with kids - 5 to be exact and 1 on the way! YAY! She has given me 3 nieces and 2 nephews - she and her dh live about an hour away. My step bro and 19yr old sister live with us - we all live at my dad {a story in its own}. My mom lives 3 hours away with my youngest sister and my little bro lives with his dad. Our whole dynamic looks something like this:
The green box around me and the boys just represent who is all in my little "bubble".
Brendan - oh where or where do i start... i will save his story for another post but I had Brendan as the age of 16, thus jump starting my apparent adult life. He is now almost 10, he loves hockey, has a long sorted history of academic difficulty, and is a LEGO fanatic!!!! Was an only child for 8 years however he does technically have siblings by his father {whom he only sees a few times a year}. He has a lot of friends and doesn't listen, boy oh boy I'm looking forward to those teenaged years which are right around the corner!! This be him: {photo taken at one the last and hockey tournament we were at}
Kamden - my precious little bubzer, born in 2010 and the light of our lives. He loves to trouble his big bro! Like Brendan he has a long story regarding his birth - In a nutshell he doesn't see his dad and hasn't since Nov of 2010. None the less he is loved beyond belief : here is the little trouble maker
Dwighty - the DH in my life, there is oh so much i can say about him <3 i continue to feel the same about him as i did when we first met {even when he is being a jack ass} He is a good friend and is extremely good to the boys. He has taken on the role of father of bubszer despite the fact that he was a single, no kids, bachelor type before he met us! I can't wait till we are married <3 He doesn't live with us presently as our move was sudden however he will be here once we get settled in our new place!
My life in a nutshell..
I recently moved from Toronto Ontario. I took a chance and moved out of my comfort zone and tried to "have it all" in the big city. Well the picture sounds better then the reality. The cost of living butt-raped us so badly that I just didn't want to live there anymore. I was paying $1700/mon in rent, $800-$1000/month in childcare, plus losing $500-$600 a month in tax, I was covering those two costs and nothing else. And i am an EDUCATED and registered staff - There is no reason for me to struggle financially! Plus my older son was like a number in the crazy school system - he has special academic needs as it is and this school didn't help that :( While i lived there i met DH <3 <3 <3 so i truly believe god works in mysterious ways and I was indeed there for a reason. I probably could have made it work but I just didn't "feel" Toronto, I made a swift move back to my home town. This is where I am now - jobless {but I'm looking}, homeless {but not really since I'm staying at my dads}. To get my happy I just need to get me a new job! And a new place to live! I'm kind of waiting till i find a job to move again as I'm not sure where I want to work!
Well that should give a good start as too who I am, Look forward to meeting other blogging mamas!
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